What to Do After a Car Accident in Georgia

By - Isaiah
10.02.24 11:41 PM

Quick Reference Guide

Being involved in a car accident can be stressful and confusing. Knowing what steps to take right away is important. Here are some key things to do after a car accident in Georgia:

Make sure everyone is safe. Check for injuries and call 911 for emergency assistance if needed. 

Get insurance and contact information. Exchange insurance details and contact information with the other drivers. Get the name, address, phone number and insurance company name from the other parties. Take photos of their driver's license and insurance card with your phone if possible. 

Take photos of the accident scene. Take photos of the position and damage to all vehicles as well as any road signs, traffic lights, skid marks or other details that could help explain what happened. Take photos of any injuries as well. 

Seek medical attention. Even if you don't feel severe pain, get checked by a doctor as some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Injuries that appear later could affect your insurance claim. 

File a police report. Call the local police non-emergency number to request that an officer comes to file an official report of the accident. Provide your statement of what occurred and any details that could help determine fault. The police report is an important document for your insurance claim.

Contact your insurance company. Call your insurance company as soon as possible to report the accident and provide your statement. Cooperate fully with their investigation process. 
